Sunday, October 11, 2009

What is Vann listening to?

I know all of you are super curious about Korean music. Allow me to provide you some of the kpop that I've been exposed to via my students, the radio, passing cars, clubs, and mp3 players turned up too loud on the bus. These 2 songs are super catchy and way overplayed. And yes, I am a fan. enjoy

This is g dragon, the leader of big bang. Everyone will look like him in the year 2062.

The boybands/girlbands are popular. They throw in some English lyrics for style. This was the first Korean song I heard.

1 comment:

  1. yo veebs i'm on a slow puter right now so cant check the tunes,
    i'm travelin south with a tape recorder mabes have some shit for you to check out soon get pumped.
    also, i'm toying with idea of visiting you n' naomi. in spring perhaps. put aside several thousand ruples per month so we can import some mulsan kegs from hudson bay. the locals will be pleased especially.
