our friend T with a huge pitcher of beer
V and our new friends from Bellevue: L and M
V and L singing to Taylor Swift! Nice nametag L!
Woke up too early today - at least I thought it was early. Too much kiwi soju?! Stumbled into the elevator, jammin' to my ipod - didn't run into anyone. Yesssss, I might actually be alone for once! Approach the dining hall and hear voices (through my earplugs). Lots of voices. Hmm, I guess I wasn't the only one with an early breakfast in mind - oh well might as well get a jump on the day with like 200 other people. Better 200 than 500 yah? Sip my coffee and hang out with the mellow breakfast crowd.
The rest of the day was : lecture, lecture, lecture and silly videos with tall, blonde, claymation characters. I may end today with a relaxing epersode of GG and hazelnut pocky sticks.